Company name / Name:
4wd profi shop kft.
Szabadság utca 31, Tilaj, 8782, Hungary
Personal pick up here:
Magyarország, 8393 Szentgyörgyvár, Felsőmándpuszta 0120/2
Phone number:
Shop name:
EU VAT number:
Company registration number:
20 09 073256
Company court:
Zalaegerszegi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Contact person name:
Contact person´s phone number:
Contact person´s e-mail address:
GLS HUThe package will be delivered by GLS courier within 24 hours of dispatch for products in stock. In case of cash on delivery, you can pay cash or by credit card at the courier!Total product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg5.07 €2 kg2.99 kg5.61 €3 kg4.99 kg6.68 €5 kg9.99 kg7.74 €10 kg14.99 kg8.81 €15 kg19.99 kg10.15 €20 kg24.99 kg11.48 €25 kg29.99 kg13.08 €30 kg39.99 kg15.75 €40 kg-50.73 €
GLS home deliveryThe package will be delivered by GLS courier within 2 days of dispatch for products in stock. In case of cash on delivery, you can pay cash or by credit card at the courier!Total product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg8.06 €2 kg2.99 kg8.41 €3 kg4.99 kg9.32 €5 kg9.99 kg11.91 €10 kg14.99 kg14.71 €15 kg19.99 kg17.27 €20 kg24.99 kg20.13 €25 kg29.99 kg23.92 €30 kg39.99 kg31.75 €40 kg59.99 kg49.02 €60 kg79.99 kg63.49 €80 kg100 kg80.77 €
GLS home deliveryA csomagot a GLS futár szállítja házhoz - a raktáron lévő termékek esetében, feladástól számítva - 2 napon belül. Utánvétel esetén a futárnál tud készpénzel vagy bankkártyával fizetni!Total product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg22.96 €2 kg2.99 kg24.08 €3 kg4.99 kg25.37 €5 kg9.99 kg26.22 €10 kg14.99 kg30.89 €15 kg19.99 kg35.24 €20 kg24.99 kg39.25 €25 kg29.99 kg42.99 €30 kg39.99 kg73.69 €40 kg59.99 kg108.94 €60 kg79.99 kg147.38 €80 kg100 kg182.63 €
GLS home deliveryTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg54.37 €2 kg2.99 kg55.27 €3 kg4.99 kg56.22 €5 kg9.99 kg56.96 €10 kg14.99 kg60.62 €15 kg19.99 kg63.99 €20 kg24.99 kg67.06 €25 kg29.99 kg70.14 €30 kg39.99 kg94.14 €40 kg59.99 kg121.82 €60 kg79.99 kg151.98 €80 kg100 kg179.65 €
GLS home deliveryTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg36.64 €2 kg2.99 kg38.53 €3 kg4.99 kg40.47 €5 kg9.99 kg42.15 €10 kg14.99 kg44.58 €15 kg19.99 kg47 €20 kg24.99 kg53.88 €25 kg29.99 kg60.01 €30 kg39.99 kg98.34 €40 kg59.99 kg145.34 €60 kg79.99 kg196.68 €80 kg100 kg243.69 €
GLS home deliveryTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg39.6 €2 kg2.99 kg44.83 €3 kg4.99 kg49.72 €5 kg9.99 kg54.75 €10 kg14.99 kg80.88 €15 kg19.99 kg106.27 €20 kg24.99 kg119.81 €25 kg29.99 kg132.61 €30 kg39.99 kg222.79 €40 kg59.99 kg329.06 €60 kg79.99 kg445.58 €80 kg100 kg551.85 €
GLS home deliveryTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg85.72 €2 kg2.99 kg90.95 €3 kg4.99 kg95.84 €5 kg9.99 kg100.86 €10 kg14.99 kg127 €15 kg19.99 kg152.38 €20 kg24.99 kg165.92 €25 kg29.99 kg178.72 €30 kg39.99 kg268.92 €40 kg59.99 kg384.99 €60 kg79.99 kg501.53 €80 kg100 kg617.6 €
GLS home deliveryTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg1.99 kg100.35 €2 kg2.99 kg112.47 €3 kg4.99 kg138.73 €5 kg9.99 kg206.65 €10 kg14.99 kg267.87 €15 kg19.99 kg322.4 €20 kg24.99 kg370.22 €25 kg29.99 kg411.33 €30 kg39.99 kg676.67 €40 kg59.99 kg710.71 €60 kg79.99 kg1 353.34 €80 kg100 kg1 723.55 €
Posta belföldi csomagMPL ÜZLETI CSOMAG
Nagyszerűen egyszerű! A "klasszikus".....
Szállítási idő 3-6 napTotal product weightShipping cost0 kg9.99 kg6.68 €10 kg19.99 kg7.74 €20 kg40 kg18.42 € -
Pallets inside the EUDomestic and international transport of palletised and large items.Total product weightShipping cost0 kg49.99 kg106.8 €50 kg99.99 kg160.2 €100 kg499.99 kg267 €500 kg1 000 kg427.2 €
Pay by cardYou can pay securely with your credit card on our website!
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Pay by credit cardYou can pay securely with your credit card on our website!To customer information CLICK HERE
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